Package integralhistogram

Interface Summary
Hist generic interface for a color histogram's class.
HistDistance generic interface for an histograms distance's computing class.
HistIntersection generic interface for integral histogram based intersection computing class.
IntHistProp generic interface for an integral histogram class.
IntHistSearch generic interface for an exaustive histogram based search class.
SearchOutput generic interface for a search results's output class.

Class Summary
AvgImgSearchOut SearchOut implementation.
Histogram this class implements the Hist interfeace, you can use this class to manage color histograms.
HistogramDistance this class implements HistDistance.
HistogramIntersection use this class to compute the integral histogram's intersection method.
ImgSearchOut use this class to "print" the search's results over a result image.
IntHistogramProp this class implements the IntHist interface, you can use this class to compute integral histogram method on your histograms's matrix.
IntHistogramSearch this class implements the TargHistSearch interface.
IntHistogramStdSearch this class implements the TargHistSearch interface, you can use this class to search a target image onto a source one and get the search result over a result image.
IntHistUser you can extend this abstract class to test your interfaces's implementation classes.
MyIntHistUser With this class we extended the IntHistUser abstract class.
MyIntHistUser2 With this class we extended the IntHistUser abstract class.
MyTargetUser With this class we extended the IntHistUser abstract class.
MyTargetUser2 With this class we extended the IntHistUser abstract class.
TargetUser you can extend this abstract class to test your interfaces's implementation classes.
TXTSearchOut this class implements SearchOutput.
XMLSearchOut this class implements SearchOutput.

processing library integralhistogram by Giovanni Tarducci, Alessio Barducci. (c) 2009